Volume 1 of the IBA publication series offers a review of former building exhibitions in Germany, an outlook on the IBA Hamburg and complex considerations of the contemporary metropolis. With contributions by Martina Löw, Saskia Sassen, Uli Hellweg, Dieter Läpple, Thomas Sieverts, Jörn Walter et al.
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1 Metropolis: Reflection

3 Metropolis: Education
Volume 3 of the IBA publication series examines today's urban knowledge-based society and the necessity of a new educational landscape. It puts up for discussion several examples of reform efforts. With contributions by Karen van den Berg, Cornelia Koppetsch, Reinhard Kahl, Gert Kähler, Dirk Meyhöfer, Arno Lederer et al.
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5 Metropolis: Cosmopolis
Volume 5 of the IBA publication series focuses on the structure of intercultural communities in cosmopolitan areas and the urban and architectural rooms and places they move, act and live in and which they call their home. With contributions by Anca Carstean, Saskia Sassen, Eilisabeth Beck-Gernsheim, Ulrich Beck, Olaf Bartels, Uli Hellweg, Jens Dangschat, Mark Terkessidis, Erol Yildiz et al.
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7 Metropolis: Building The City Anew
In volume 7, the IBA gives an overview of its presentation year in 2013, including comments on the projects and the main topics 'Kosmopolis', 'Metrozonen' and 'Stadt im Klimawandel', cities and climate change. Following the tradition and meeting the quality standard of the 'IBA brand', this volume is an innovative format and instrument of planning and building design. It offers a review but also initial internal and external reflections on the seven years' process of developing and realising.
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2 Metropolis: Resources
Volume 2 of the IBA publication series focuses on the cities facing the climate change and shows reasonable strategies and prospects for future urban life. With contributions by Gernot Böhme, Peter Dröge, Gerard Evenden, Oliver G. Hamm, Herbert Girardet, Hartmut Graßl, Anja Hajduk et al.
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4 Metropolis: Metrozones
Volume 4 of the IBA publication series reflects on recent projects that help to solve the structural difficulties in inner suburban zones and to improve living conditions and urban life quality in these areas. It is not to create suburban idylls but powerful and lively spaces that build a new part of the city within the city. With contributions by Antje Stokmann, Jörn Düwel, Rolo Fütterer, Uli Hellweg, Michael Koch, Klaus Overmeyer et al.
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6 Metropolis: Civil Society
Volume 6 of the IBA publication series discusses the many facets of civil society involvement, its prospects and the influence it has on the future of the cities. It enquires if urban planning is always democratically legitimised and also the impact the new media have on the citizens' active participation and share in the development of a city. With contributions by Martina Löw, Klaus Selle, Michael Krautzberger, Uli Hellweg, Michael Koch, Julian Petrin et al.
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