IBA meets IBA


IBA meets IBA

In the course of a century, international building exhibitions have proved to be an ideal testing ground for sustainable urban development, thus becoming a special 'trademark' of planning and building design in Germany. In order to ensure that future IBAs will continue this tradition and take advantage of experiences already made, and to set standards in everyday practice at the same time, the network 'IBA meets IBA' has been established by 'Nationale Stadtentwicklungspolitik', funded by the federal ministry of transport, construction and urban development, 'Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung'.


On the initiative of IBA Hamburg, over 30 experts of former, present and future international building exhibitions met to share their experiences for the first time in 2007. It was the aim to connect all international building exhibitions more closely, this was called the 'IBA meets IBA' laboratory. Since then, further labs have been established in Großräschen, Berlin, Basel, Thuringia and Heidelberg. To maintain the quality of the 'IBA brand' and to continue developing it has been the core of the meetings so far. It has also been discussed if and how the German way of instrumentalising their building exhibitions might contribute to European planning and building design.

Via the forum 'IBA meets IBA', the sharing of experiences as to the concept of international building exhibitions was opened to the interested expert audience in 2009 and 2013. The network 'IBA meets IBA' met for the last time in Hamburg on 22 and 23 March 2013, on the occasion of the IBA Hamburg presentation year.


Travelling exhibition and memorandum


By exchanging ideas and experiences, the network 'IBA meets IBA' was able to launch two instruments which are very important for the present planning practice: The travelling exhibition 'IBA meets IBA' and the memorandum about the future of international building exhibitions, 'Zur Zukunft Internationaler Bauausstellungen'. The travelling exhibition 'IBA meets IBA' was developed in 2007 in cooperation with the North-Rhine-Westphalian museum for architecture and engineering art - 'M:AI Museum für Architektur und Ingenieurkunst NRW'. Apart from the presentation of current exhibitions, it is giving a complete view of the more than one hundred years' tradition of international building exhibitions in Germany for the first time. The exhibition shows, among others, a model of the very first IBA which took place in Darmstadt, on 'Mathildenhöhe', in 1901. It is the aim to realise that we are working with a wealth of experience from more than one hundred years of IBAs, to develop it further according to nowadays' demands, and also to make it available to all those who are looking for complex strategies and solutions in urban design. And so the retrospection demonstrates the particularities of the IBA as an urban development concept and gives answers to the following questions: What actually is an IBA and what can it achieve? What challenges do nowadays' international building exhibitions have to meet?


After venues among others in Hamburg, Basel, Frankfurt, Magdeburg, Berlin and Heidelberg, the exhibition is permanently located in Großräschen, in the 'IBA Studierhaus' since 2013. Between 2000 and 2010, this place has been the location of the 'IBA Fürst-Pückler-Land' which has given creative impetus to the large-scale landscape reshaping and the structural change of the Lausitz area. Besides the exhibition 'IBA meets IBA', the 'IBA Studierhaus' is also documenting the 30 projects of the 'IBA Fürst-Pückler-Land'.


IBA StudierhausFürst-Pückler-Land GmbH i.L.
Seestraße 84 to 86
01983 Großräschen


Booking under info@iba-see.de - or under the phone number 035753 37019


The memorandum about the future of international building exhibitions, 'Zur Zukunft Internationaler Bauausstellungen', is another important outcome of the network 'IBA meets IBA'. It was developed in 2009 and offers 10 recommendations as to how to carry out an international building exhibition.



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The Documentation entitled “Network IBA meets IBA – The Future of International Building Exhibitions” can be ordered on the website of the Jovis Publishing House 

Brochure about the development of Germany’s building exhibitions since 1901.
(PDF 0,8MB)

Website of our cooperation partner M:AI