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Revitalisation of the former Lettow-Vorbeck Barracks

Jenfelder Au

Zentrale Wasserkaskade – Jenfelder Au, Bild: West 8 urban design & landscape architecture Baugruppe Garten – Jenfelder Au; Visualisierung: Zweiraum – Büro für Architektur Baugruppe Straße – Jenfelder Au; Visualisierung: Zweiraum – Büro für Architektur Aus der Vogelperspektive – Jenfelder Au, Bild: West 8 urban design & landscape architecture Stadthäuser – Jenfelder Au, Bild: West 8 urban design & landscape architecture Wasser als zentrales Element im Gebiet – Jenfelder Au, Bild: West 8 urban design & landscape architecture


Key Theme Cosmopolis


New Opportunities for Cities

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Quarter Jenfelder Au

Living and working in a small-scale, green quarter, in the former Lettow-Vorbeck Barracks in Hamburg Jenfeld this becomes a reality. On the 35 hectare former site of the barracks, an urban development area will arise in the next few years encompassing 770 residential units, 630 of these will be new buildings. A new, central green axis with a newly developed pond creates sojourn quality – it forms the backbone of the quarter. For the first time, the „Hamburg Water Cycle“, an innovative waste water concept of Hamburg Water will be implemented on a grand scale.

The new quarter Jenfelder Au on the interface of the districts Jenfeld, Tonndorf and Hohenhorst will be attractive and affordable both for families and for people of different generations, nationalities and income classes. Individual town houses, most of them private property, and apartment buildings will supplement the housing supply in Jenfeld. In accordance with the concept of the winner of the competition, assemblies of urban town houses will be erected combined and aligned in manifold ways, so that a diversified cityscape will emerge. With the offer of town house sites that can be built upon individually, a supply of building sites will be created that has not been seen in Hamburg within recent decades. Experiences from other cities have shown that this compact version of private home construction is very much in demand. A conservation order has been imposed on part of the barracks building dating from 1934/35, which will be retained as an overall ensemble together with the former parade ground. This building is currently being used by students from the Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces) University. In the medium term it will be converted for residential and social purposes.

The planning process has been a discursive procedure from the beginning. The district conference and interested citizens were able to submit their own proposals to the presentation colloquia during the urban development competition phase. The victorious design of the Büro West 8 (Rotterdam) is based on a broad consensus of local players – the construction plan Jenfeld 23 has been derived from this design.

A further feature is the management of water and energy. The municipal infrastructure enterprise Hamburg Water would like to implement the drainage concept „Hamburg Water Cycle“ for the first time on a grand scale. Rainwater, black water (from toilets) and grey water (remaining waste water) will be collected in segregated form and used. All households will be equipped with vacuum toilets, enabling the entire collected black water to be fed to a biogas plant. The biogas thus gained will be used to generate heat and electricity for the new district in a local heat and power station having a neutral effect on the climate.

The Jenfelder Au is a pilot project in the framework of the „National Urban Development Policy“of the BMVBS/BBSR (Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development / Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development). The initial steps towards the realisation of this large-scale project are anticipated to be on view in the IBA presentation year 2013.

What are reference projects?

IBA reference projects lie geographically outside the actual presentation area of the building exhibition; their contents are entirely compliant with the IBA criteria. As is the case with the numerous projects on the Elbe Islands and in the Inland Port in Harburg, they represent the guiding theme of the IBA and transmit the IBA ideas to the entire city in this way.

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Jenfelder Allee, Kreuzburger Straße, Charlottenburger Straße, Schöneberger Straße
22045 Hamburg

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Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

Bezirksamt Wandsbek, Fachamt Stadt- und Landschaftsplanung



West 8 urban design & landscape architecture b.v., Rotterdam 


AIV Building of the year 2013

Prize award 'BDA Hamburg Architektur Preis' 2014, honourable mention