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Further Educational Projects


AWiS (Elbe Islands Agency for Economics and Schools)

The schools of the Elbe Islands want to improve the trainability of their pupils but cannot cope with this task alone. For this reason, they need and are looking for strong, permanent partners from the field of economics in order to be able to work on improving the learning process. Pupils will be introduced to the working world, continually and with a practical orientation, within the framework of modern, cooperative forms of learning.

AWiS is the agency that deliberately and specifically mediates partnerships between schools and companies, accompanying their cooperation. It advises and supports the partners in the development and realisation of their cooperative ideas. It also conducts and encourages networking with professional organisation, chambers and initiatives. In all this, the agency makes use of the partnerships in the network of the IBA Hamburg, the specialist agencies carrying it and of the LoWi – Office for Local Economics, within the framework of the activities of the European Social Fund.


The Cafésl is a fusion of the Youth Centre Kirchdorf-Süd e. V. (registered association) and the Kirchdorf School for Parents. The Cafésl supports integrative processes in the districts, offering aid to parents and families and providing various attractive leisure opportunities for children, young people and families.

School-Related Network

The school-related network encourages, supports and supervises young people who have problems with school. The objective: to prevent "playing truant." Various facilities from schools and youth welfare work together systematically in the network, providing the young people and children with alternative educational opportunities:

At the learning centre "Haus der Jugend" (House of Youth) there is a variety of opportunities for different age groups – from elementary school to the 10th grade. The "Practical Learning Centre" temporarily replaces school – pupils learn for a certain period of time through production-orientated activities (shopping, cooking, selling, calculating, etc.) which is supplemented by intermittent school instruction. The goal is school graduation or a vocational perspective. The "school-related parental involvement" in the partner school Stübenhofer Weg motivates parents to cooperate, helps them in the organisation of events and supports them in resolving conflicts between teachers and parents. The "school-related social work" offers counselling and support for pupils at the "Straso Bistro" and at the school café Stübenhofer Weg: the street workers bridge the gap between "street and school" by making direct contact. All four locations work together on the same task, in close coordination with each other. 

Wilhelmsburg / Veddel Island Mothers

The Island Mothers are experts for offering opportunities in the district. These women know where mothers receive help, providing information about opportunities in the district, counselling on child-rearing, nutrition and school, accompanying them when needed.

The Island Mothers have completely different cultural backgrounds and speak different languages. Through these varying cultural backgrounds it is often easier to reach mothers who have not been able to make use of the many opportunities in the district so far due to their life situations or lack of proficiency in German.

Reading, Cooking and Research Weeks of the Wilhelmsburg Educational Forum

The Wilhelmsburg Educational Forum (FBW) is a network in which local educational facilities participate. They plan the reading, research and cooking weeks together, thus offering children and parents interesting educational opportunities that are also fun.