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Elbe Islands Agency for Business and Schools



Key Theme Cosmopolis


New Opportunities for Cities

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/fileadmin/Projekte/K12_Haus_der_Projekte/hausderprojekte.jpg New job opportunities in boat building

House of Projects

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/fileadmin/Mediathek/K15_praxislernen/praxislernen.jpg Education Centre Stübenhofer Weg

Learning by Doing

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AWiS − Elbe Islands Agency for Business and Schools

The Elbe islands need gifted people − and strong partners!

Businesses and schools have a common goal – to ensure that schoolchildren receive the best possible education. Goals and expectations should be clarified, and pupils should be motivated and eager to receive instruction. In order to achieve this, schools and businesses must work together more closely and consistently than ever. School pupils should be introduced steadily to practical aspects of the world of work through modern, cooperative learning methods, and by sharing school and non-school facilities. AWiS (Agentur für Wirtschaft und Schule Elbinseln) has facilitated and supported a partnership-based collaboration between companies and schools on the Hamburg Elbe islands of Wilhelmsburg and Veddel.

The AWiS project is part of the “Elbe Islands Education Drive”, run by Internationale Bauausstellung IBA (International Building Exhibition Hamburg GmbH in conjunction with LoWi – Büro für Lokale Wirtschaft/Beschäftigung und Bildung e.V. (Office for Local Business / Employment and Education).

This project was funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the city of Hamburg.

The AWiS project finished on 31 December 2012 with the end of the ESF funding. The project brought about the formation of various partnerships between schools and businesses, as well as countless successful apprentice “speed-dating” sessions.





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Krieterstraße 5
21109 Hamburg

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